
Qatar officially switches to robotic camel-jockeys in 2005

Robotic camel jockey

To fend off accusations of child camel-jockey abuse by international human rights groups (which we reported on earlier), Qatar has announced they will be officially substituting robots in camel races in 2005 and beyond. Approximately 1.37 million dollars was spent developing the robots (why, we can't tell; they just receive input for handling the reigns wirelessly) for mass production, which will cost roughly $5,500 apiece; however, for now only 100 will be purchased, meaning the Swiss company producing them immediately takes a loss of about $820,000 unless they get selling these things fast. So please, for the future of tomorrow's child camel-jockey, would you all please buy one of these robots for camel races of your own?

[Via Near Near Future]