
Does the PSP's approach to podcasting break podcasting?

rss channel

I upgraded one of my PSPs to version 2.6 of the firmware last night and have been toying with the RSS Channel features of the device. It's definitely cool to be able to stream audio off of the Internet to your PSP with very little buffering problems and without stealing any of the precious real estate on your Memory Stick. I still would like to see some streaming video option that didn't entail forking over the loot for a LocationFree system. Russell Beattie is right, streaming Rocketboom and my other favorite videocasts to the PSP would be very nice.

However, at the same time I was enjoying the new RSS Channel features, I was thinking about how inherently wrong it is to be streaming podcasts. I mean, the whole point of podcasts is to be able to carry them around with you, and while the PSP is definitely portable, an active Internet connection isn't always as portable, and, as a result, I'm unable to listen to the RSS Channels while I'm on the go. Plus, downloading the podcast once to an RSS reader or iTunes takes up less bandwidth from the podcasters than streaming sections of it each time you want to rewind or need to listen to a podcast again. So what do you think? Is the PSP's approach to podcasting breaking podcasting?