
Housekeeping: Engadget needs you!

Yep, time once again for a few announcements from Engadget Senior Management:

Engadget needs you!
Here's your official chance to join the Engadget team, we're on the prowl for an intern and a new feature columnist, if you think you've got the chops, read on:

  • Internship
    From what we understand there are a great many perks to having an intern, so we figured it was about time we stopped forcing Jason Calacanis to fetch our dry cleaning and polish our Treos and actually hire someone. We're specifically looking for someone to assist with research projects, do a little writing for the site here and there, and deal with the occasional boring administrative task. You must live in the New York City area, be able to write and be willing to get up early in the morning. You will receive a monthly stipend, but it won't be anything worth bragging about to anyone. Still interested? Good. Dash off a resume and cover letter to us at

  • Columnist
    We're also looking for a new feature columnist. We're open to different ideas about what form a new column might take (it doesn't have to be a standard op-ed column), all we care is that you can commit to doing it on a weekly basis and that you don't run out of stuff to write about after three weeks (and of course that your column is consistantly utterly fascinating). UPDATE: We're no longer accepting applications. The internship position, however, is still open.


Comment spam has become a serious problem on the site. We've been deleting it as quickly as we can and tightened up our filters (hopefully 99% of you haven't even noticed any), but it's gotten a little out of hand in the past two months or so, and we'd like to reiterate that we don't allow purely promotional comments on the site. This includes all those "free iPods" and "free Mac Minis" links, so don't even bother, ok?

Also, please try and keep your comments on-topic, respectful, and free of vulgarity, it's lame to see discussions descend into name-calling and recrimination. It's ok to strongly disagree about something, but everyone needs to keep in mind that all we're arguing about are little pieces of plastic, metal, and silicon that we'll all be throwing out or donating to Goodwill in a couple of years anyway.

Each section has its own RSS feed
Also, here's our periodic reminder that we've got separate RSS feeds for each of our sections (like if you just want the posts from our cellphones page, you can just get those). The links to each feed are buried a little bit down on each separate section page, so we're putting the RSS feeds for all them together here so you can either pick and choose the ones you want. Collect 'em all!

My Yahoo, Newsgator, and MyFeedster

My Yahoo
newsgator icon

We also wanted to remind you that if use My Yahoo, Newsgator, or MyFeedster, you can automatically add Engadget to your page/news reader simply by clicking the appropriate button above.

New Weblogs, Inc. weblogs
And lastly, we'd like to welcome four new sites to the Weblogs, Inc. family: Droxy, which covers the world of satellite radio, Flash Insider, which covers everything related to Macromedia Flash, The Cancer Blog, and The Diabetes Blog (those last two should be obvious).