
Barbie getting a (real) cellphone

Nokia 3587i

Barbie's getting a cellphone. And not some fake-ass toy cellphone with candy inside of it crap either, Mattel and partner Single Touch Interactive are going to start selling a line of Barbie-brand cellphones that use prepaid wireless service. They haven't said who the carrier will be (if the Hello Kitty cellphone is any indication, it'll probably be Cingular), but the phone itself is going to be a decked out Nokia 3587i (the non-Barbie version of which is pictured at right) that comes with three different faceplates (pictured at left, thanks to guido for the tipoff), exclusive

Barbie cellphone

Barbie ringtones and wallpapers, and will sell for $49.95 with 30 minutes of airtime. No surprise that Hasbro would want to cash in on a 9-year-old girl's cellphone lust, but the slyest part of all this is where Single Touch Interactive comes in. To convince parents that buying their tweenager a Barbie phone is a good idea they're creating a Barbie My Scene website where parents can list chores they want their kids to complete if they want to refill the minutes on their phone.


UPDATE: Oooof, the 3587i is a CDMA phone, so it can't be Cingular.