
Is this the Zire 73?

Zire 73

Is this the Zire 73 everyone has been whispering about? Nothing conclusive yet (and we're leaning towards this being a fake), but a (clearly mocked-up) image and some specs of what is supposedly palmOne's follow-up to the Zire 72 have surfaced. The specs seem vaguely credible (1.3 megapixel digital camera, 320x480 LCD screen, 64MB of RAM, Bluetooth, WiFi), but it's listed as running on Palm OS Cobalt 6.1, and from everything palmOne has been saying lately, it doesn't sound like they're planning on releasing a handheld with Cobalt this year (though they could always change their mind). Click to see a higher-resolution version of the pic.

[Via PDA247]

Zire 73