
Housekeeping: Server stuff, Bloglines, hackaday needs you, new WIN sites, and section RSS feeds

Server problems

Yep, we had some server problems earlier this week. Everything seems to be back to normal now, but we're not taking any chances, so for the next couple of days we're going to keep the number of posts on the main page to just ten (we had the RSS feed set to ten posts as well, but we bumped it back up to 30 earlier today). Once we're 100% sure that everything is working the way it's supposed to we'll go back to our usual number of front page posts. Thanks for sticking with us, we'll try and have at least one giveaway next week to say thanks for putting up with all of the inconvenience.

If you use Bloglines you can add Engadget to your list of feeds by clicking here.

hackaday needs you
hackaday is looking for a new contributing editor, if you think you've got the skillz to get the job done you can get in touch with us here.

New WIN sites
Weblogs, Inc. just introduced two new sites recently, Cinematical, which covers movies, and TVSquad, which is as obsessed with TV as we are with gadgets for watching TV.

Each section has its own RSS feed
Also, here's our periodic reminder that we've got separate RSS feeds for each of our sections (like if you just want the posts from our cellphones page, you can just get those). The links to each feed are buried a little bit down on each separate section page, so we're putting the RSS feeds for all them together here so you can either pick and choose the ones you want. Collect 'em all!