
Ask Engadget: What to do with that old PC?

Ask Engadget

Apparently it's already Thursday evening, which means it's time once again for Ask Engadget. Last week Brian wanted some suggestions for good tools for recording internet radio, this week Adam wants some advice on what he can do with his dad's old PC:

For many years my dad has used an ancient Dell with a 265Mhz processor 128 MB of RAM, and a 6GB HDD as his home PC. I think he's finally about ready to let it go. I've seen that sometimes people use them as firewalls and such, so I thought it'd be nice to put it to a good purpose. What do you guys recommend I do with the thing if my dad gets a new PC and lets me use his old one for something? It might be helpful to know that it is connected to the internet and on a network with 2 much faster PCs at the moment.

We're sort of obligated to mention Jason Striegel's How-To on turning a PC into a cheap media player, you guys have any other ideas?