
DisplaySearch HDTV poll: do you agree with these?

DisplaySearch HDTV conference

Last month's DisplaySearch HDTV conference attracted 285 industry attendees and there were some interesting poll questions asked. Take a look at these results and let us know if you find any surprises here or if you agree with the majority:

  • If priced the same, 60% of attendees would purchase a 42" HD LCD TV with 40% opting for an HD Plasma TV.

  • Nearly two-thirds of participants expect 1080p MD RPTVs to exceed 720p MD RPTVs in North America by 2007.

  • 18% of attendees said they would be more likely to purchase a $2500 HDTV over the internet than in retail.

  • 77% of attendees said they would be willing to pay up to $500 more for a 1080p TV vs. a similarly designed 720p TV.

  • 74% of attendees said they would pay $200 more for a 42" flat panel TV than for a 42" projection MD RPTV.