
Thomson rolls out Infinity series of pro HDD camcorders

thomson grass valley infinity

While JVC may have the early lead in the market for hard-drive based camcorders, the field is about to get a little more crowded. Thomson subsidiary Grass Valley is rolling out its Infinity Digital Media series of professional digital camcorders. The Infinity series will be HD capable, and will rely on removable storage, including microdrives and REV removable drives from Iomega (are they really still around?). According to Thomson, the cam will be 1080i compatible, and will support multiple codecs. A 35GB REV disk should be able to hold about 45 minutes of compressed HD video. The camera will initially retail for about $20,000, so JVC doesn't exactly have to worry about this eating into sales of its Everios just yet. A companion portable editing deck will sell for about $10,000.
