
Nipro Cocoro Meter, the saliva-powered stress detector


We have no idea why the Japanese are under any stress at all, considering theirs is a world of technological bliss and gadget utopia, but we'll just assume that packing millions of people onto a tiny island gets some residents a little hot under the collar. Anyway, for the stress-prone Tokyo cubicle-drone (who for some reason needs a device to tell him/her that he/she is stressed), we present the Nipro Cocoro Meter, which, if it works anything like Yamaha's version, measures stress levels by the amount of amylase in the user's saliva. If the numerical results don't mean anything to you, don't worry- each stress level is accompanied by a small, emotive stick figure. While this is certainly a goofy product, at least it's a benign one; the Stress Watch that we brought you last year actually adjusts the speed of the clock based on the wearer's level of stress- so if you're calm and collected before a job interview, the watch slows down or starts to run backwards, making you miss the interview and giving you something to really stress out over.