
LG trackble USB flash drive phones home when lost or stolen

lg flash drive

One of the best things about USB flash drives — their small size — can also be an Achilles' heel if you're prone to losing things. LG is attempting to address this problem with a trackable drive that includes Inspice Trace software. When the drive is inserted into an unauthorized computer, it phones home, sending its IP address and other info to the owner's e-mail address. You can also set the drive to self-destruct via Inspice's servers, wiping all data so that it won't fall into the wrong hands. Unfortunately, the software doesn't include any encryption and apparently isn't Mac or Linux-compatible, so if your lost drive ends up in the hands of a Apple or tux user (not to mention someone who isn't connected to the net, or is behind a firewall that stops the software from contacting Inspice), they'll be able to rummage through your data with abandon. If you're really concerned about the security of data on your flash drive, you're probably better off getting one with built-in encryption — and putting it on a lanyard or keychain so you won't lose it in the first place.

[Via Ubergizmo]