
Charlie's Angels is to be first Blu-ray picture, lucky us

Charlie's Angels

If memory serves us right, Twister kicked off the DVD revolution with some good times, so what special film will usher us into the Blu-ray era? What masterpiece of cinema will warm our hearts in all its HD glory? You sure guessed it, Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle just received the full-on Blu-ray treatment from Sony, including "dynamic menus with full resolution graphics and animation," and of course, a 1920x1080 flick of that female crime fighting trio. We can't claim to have viewed said picture, but lets just say that even Blu-ray could not compel us to such an act. Sony says that "this achievement will help everyone understand that Blu-ray is real and poised to enter the marketplace," but we're guessing and hoping it will take more than this to win the format war.

[Via Zatznotfunny]