
Activision Hard At Work on a Revolution Title (Transformers Perhaps?)

Activision announced that it was working on a new Revolution title a while ago, but they gave no hint as to what the title would be. Now, this is pure speculation, but with Activision's recent acquisition of the Transformers franchise, a new Transformers game would seem to be a perfect fit for the Revolution.

The Transformers franchise has a massive following, and it has been too long since a really fun Transformers game was made. This would also fit in with the Revolution's existing lineup (with what meager information is available right now), and would seem to be a perfect way for the Transformers franchise to launch into a new era of Autobot vs. Decepticon goodness.

I'm not quite sure how the Japanese market would be handled, since the franchise is limited in Japan, but hopefully it wouldn't be limited at all. If you are reading this, Hasbro and Activision, make it happen! For the children, of course.