
MacBook Pro is Time's Gadget of the Week

Time Magazine's love affair with Apple continues (Tiger was Gadget of the Week, iPod shuffle was Gadget of the Week, G5 iMac was Gadget of the Week, Intel iMac was Gadget of the Week, Steve in Time's Top 100) as they name the MacBook Pro the Gadget of the Week. Wilson Rothman writes:

"It's easy to talk specs and features, but the MacBook's strengths come to light while in use...It's not easy to watch the highest-definition QuickTime movie trailers on a G4 PowerBook, and on many Centrino-based Windows notebooks, it can look pretty choppy, too. But on the MacBook Pro, 1080p movie trailers are smooth running."

For some odd reason, however, there's still a little voice in my head telling me to wait on purchasing one of these things. Or maybe it's my Powerbook sending me subliminal messages.

Thanks, Pieter!