
HD-DVD Day is (finally) here

It's like Christmas except ... Christmas was on time. After what seemed like delay after delay, you can now walk into your local electronics retailer and purchase a high definition DVD player. No upconversion tricks necessary here, you'll finally be able to buy discs with more resolution than current players can output. With what would favorably be described as a handful of titles and a launch shipment of only 10,000 players, HD-DVD is coming in with more of a whimper than a bang, but at least its finally here, ICT and all.

There are already a couplereviews of the first HD-DVDs, and more impressions of the launch players and discs will be on their way in the coming days and weeks. Will HD-DVD's early launch help much as Blu-ray still looms this summer? It's too early to say really, but I do know that of the four of us at HD Beat, only Ben has said he is buying one of the first players available and even then may return it if more content doesn't become available soon. If our reaction is so muted, how long will it take for either format to catch on with the general public? I still haven't seen any of the HD-DVD "So real you can feel it" ads.

Have any of you gotten a hold of one yet or seen them in action, or if you haven't, why not? Let us know in the comments.