
Send us a good gaming tip, we'll send you a Joystiq tee [update 1]

This post is just a quick reminder that we're giving out a Joystiq t-shirt to the best tip we receive this week. We mentioned this mini competition in our recent post about rejected tips, but you may have missed the bit where we promised to reward one lucky tipster with an orange Joystiq t-shirt, as worn by Peter, Perrin, Shane, and Miyamoto-san.

Anybody from a developer with some top-secret screenshots, somebody with a really cool forum post (see: crazy Wii guy), or even a sneaky employee of a game retailer willing to share shots of an unreleased console has the potential to win a Joystiq tee, so get tipping!

UPDATE: By good tips, we meant good tips to stories, not the Konami code, or how to beat Goldeneye with both arms tied behind your back and a blindfold over your eyes. Thank you!