
Phoenix Wright stock replenished August 10th

Look, we try not to judge anyone, but we honestly feel that if you don't own, or haven't at least playedPhoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, then you do not deserve to work here. Pack up your desk, don't bother to finish out the week, it's over, we're through, goodbye. Wait...we can't fire you, can we? Well then, we're no longer BFF, so how about them apples?!

You can put a stop to this madness, however, by simply taking the opportunity to purchase Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney once it comes back to retail shelves. Amazon and Target are already taking preorders, so there's that option. Or you could set foot out into the deadly wilderness and brave the vast amounts of nature (see: grizzly bears) in order to procure a copy at your brick-and-mortar outlet of choice.

[Thanks Mitchel!]