
FIGHT!!! PSP fanboy engages in battle of wits

FIGHT!!! PSP fanboy engages in battle of wits

Ahhh, having so much inter-network bickering going back and forth today really gets my blood flowing. I thought I, as I usually tend to do, should continue to stir the ever-increasingly volatile pot.

I bring you a transcript of a PSP fanboy's pure genious, as he engages in an online instant messenger battle with the enemy. In one corner, I present David, the now undisputed lord of PSP fanboys, and in the other corner, I present Twisted Imp, the hoof-footed, tail-having devil who questions the PSP and represents all that is evil in the world.

In the famous words of Big John McArthy, "Are you ready? Are you ready? LET'S GET IT ON!"

The virtual battle really gets going when the protaganist, David, when he spouts off with:

David says: theres no point of getting it (*The PSP)

Twisted Imp says: Why?

David says: cuz ds is a failed project

But just as the tide started to shift in the Imp's direction, David fought back with his veracious wit:

David says: i no nothing

David says: i no alot and its not doing crap

Then, when Twisted Imp threatens to post the conversation online, David uses the fanboy's classic fall-back plan - threats of physical violence:

David says: If i find out u put this on that fat ass site im gonna kick the sh*t out of u

Oooh, burn. You go get 'em, David. I suggest we nominate David to carry the flag of leadership for all us PSP fanboys. With his leadership and go-get-'em attitude, what could possibly go wrong?

(Via Destructoid)