
A plethora of many PS3 title screens... many are nice


... Monster Kingdom (Unknown Realms)... Afrika? Check out these screen captures from that got posted on PS3forums and nod your head in approval. Motorstorm is starting to shape up really nicely. Really nicely, even though some of the pictures seem kind of blurry (perhaps these eyes are growing old, but it's probably just a game effect). Monster Kingdom looks interesting, too. A very cool sense of fashion to be found on the characters, and what appears to be a colorful world. Very colorful! And Afrika... well, those screens aren't exactly new, but they're still good for a desktop background. Very scenic. There are also a few screens of Lair, but they don't appear to be new. Or they're starting to blend together... either way. Feel free to leave your reactions here and which of these interest you most, assuming you were given a lineup of just these three to take on a nice date with your couch.