
IGN gives Bounty Hounds a 7.0

IGN gives Bounty Hounds a 7.0

Andrew has had his game he's lushed over, and I think it's been clear that Bounty Hounds has been my baby. I've been waiting impatiently for reviews to start trickling in, and it seems IGN has finally granted my wish.

However, according to reviewer Juan Castro, it seems that I may have gotten my hopes a bit too high as Bounty Hounds, which was released Sept. 12, appears to suffer from some gameplay issues that stop the game from reaching its full potential.


  • Looks and performs better than just about any PSP title;

  • High attention to detail, especially in enemy units;

  • More than 500 weapons available;

  • Most menus and interfaces are easy to navigate; and

  • The game's wireless multi-player deathmatch helps keep the game from getting old.


  • Players don't have full control of the camera. It can only be centered behind your character, which usually ends in your character being shot at by off-screen enemies;

  • No auto lock-on combined with the frustrating camera makes for unnecessarily hard boss fights; and

  • Repetitive combat.

With all that said, IGN gives Bounty Hounds a 7.0, which isn't too bad, but definitely disappointing. Bad cameras have historically crippled action games of this ilk, but I was hoping Namco could pull through for me. However, I, like hopefully many of you, won't turn my back on the game due to one bad review. How 'bout we take a wait-and-see approach, eh?

(Via IGN)