
Sony to buy stake in Gamepot

Sony to buy stake in Gamepot

Sony Communication Network Corp. has announced it will buy a 27-percent stake in Gamepot, (No, not Gamespot or Gamestop) a mobile content and solutions provider, for about $22 million, according to Gamasutra.

So-net says the move will broaden its online games operations.

In addition, Sony Communication, which operates So-net Internet service provider, will purchase 8,200 new shares of Gamepot in a third-party allocation. It will also buy 15,000 existing Gamepot shares from Aeria Inc., Gamepot's parent, a Reuters report stated.

Gamepot made a name for itself by publishing the popular online fantasy golf game, PangYa. I doubt this will have much of an impact for anything coming stateside, but it's encouraging to see Sony continue to take online gaming seriously.

(Via Gamasutra/Yahoo)