
Scenes from Barcelona: Dirty bootleg PS shirt

Howdy Joystiqers. I'm here in Barcelona, Spain, eagerly awaiting the start of Microsoft's X06 conference. The event is Microsoft Europe's biggest promotional video game event of the year, and previous shows have revealed important details and announcement about the Xbox and Xbox 360, so keep it here for all the big news from the show starting tomorrow afternoon.

With a few days to kill in Barcelona before the show starts, I thought I'd share some bits of game-related culture I've spotted as I traipse around the city. This first bit of Barcelona gaming detritus is a little unsafe for work, so click the "continue reading" link to see what the headline is alluding to.

This charming shirt was one of many raunchy English T-shirts in a souvenir shop right outside Barcelona's historic Sagrada Familia church. I'm not sure what the "Fascination never ends" tagline is referring to a specfic Sony ad campaign or is just a bit of filler, but the whole thing is vaguely disturbing nonetheless. Doesn't Sony Europe have any hired goons around to take care of blatant trademark abuse like this?