
The Engadget Reader Meetup: The Aftermath (part V, Boston)

We came to town, we saw a teensy bit (namely the immediate area near Jillian's and Fenway), and about 400 of you guys showed up to totally conquer the Engadget reader meetup Boston. We know you'd have probably come out even if we didn't hand out free shirts, beer tickets, and have major giveaways from such great sponsors as Sonos, Sling Media, and Slim Devices -- but it didn't hurt, right? Big thanks for everyone who hung out, chatted it up, knocked one back, and generally made us feel at home. We're not sure when we'll next be back to Boston, but hopefully it'll be sooner than later!

P.S. -Loads more pics after the break!
P.P.S -For those former meetup goers feeling nostalgic, the other events are here, here, here, and here.

We hear that line stretched all the way to Fenway. Um, like, outside.

Awww! The very youngest Engadget reader.

Elizabeth from Microsoft shows off some hot Windows Mobile devices.

Sling's ready to go with their latest gear.

In the brown jacket is Michael Ducker from TreoCentral. Thanks again for the helping hand, Michael!

Sonos was also on hand to show off some serious in-home audio streaming.

Slim Devices tiny

Rafe Blandford from All About Symbian and Paul O'Brien from MoDaCo.

Mikey-Mike Oryl from Mobileburn.

The dude right in the middle is Arne Hess, from the::unwired.

Got a hunger? Engadget.

Those big screens looped one of Engadget's commercial contest finalists.

Pete, Ryan, and Paul dish on lives as Engadget editors.

Photos courtesy of: Chris Leckness (Mobility Site), Tom Lynch, bao, and Brian "DoctaBu" Moore.