
HD DVD tour stops at Digital Life 2006 and drops details on Miami Vice's U-control

The HD DVD tour isn't spending all its time in New York hanging out at the Today Show's new HD studios, its pulled up to Digital Life 2006 at the Javits Center. In a press release issued by the North American HD DVD Promotional Group there were also new details about the upcoming December 5th release of Miami Vice on HD DVD; like Fast and the Furious 3: Tokyo Drift and Accepted, it will include U-control special features. Viewers can check out specs on cars and boats featured in the movie, track car chases through Miami streets via GPS, or look at production photos and cast details while the movie continues to play. Firing off more shots in the format war, the group also announced statistics from AC Nielsen showing HD DVD owners have already purchased an average of 8.4 titles each, and Nielsen Videoscan numbers indicating HD DVD outsold "competing formats" -- we're pretty sure they don't mean VMD -- by nearly 3:1 in August. The best defense is a good offense, and the HD DVD camp is taking the big Blu-ray holiday push head-on, showcasing not just new movies but also new hardware like the Xbox 360 HD DVD player and upcoming Toshiba HD-XA2.