
Look into the Tempest

Jeux France has some new screens from the upcoming RPG Tales of the Tempest, but there's some interesting criticism hidden in all that French. The included Babelfish link reveals that Famitsu rated the game only average (28/40) and basically indicated that it's only a bare step above "steaming pile of crap" on the funometer, citing clunky, polygon-rich graphics, poor AI, and uninspired gameplay. Well. Anyone need to borrow a pen to scratch this one off their list?

We've included a few of the screens after the jump so that you could judge for yourself, at least so far as the graphics go. The look is similar to Final Fantasy III but does appear to be a little more jagged and not quite as polished.

Fun fact: Babelfish translated the title to Bruise of the Tempest. That's good for at least one quick el-oh-el moment.