
Fujitsu's Deskpower EK30T all-in-one: we're very, very sorry

You feeling that all-in-one up there from Fujitsu? No, us neither. In fact, the FMV-Deskpower EK30T is such a blaspheme of the minimalistic concept that we have to look away from the screen to even type this. Only, punching in the specs doesn't make us feel any better: 1.46GHz Celeron M410, 17-inch display, up to 2GB DDR2 memory and 80GB disk, integrated 945G graphics, and DVD multi-drive all packed into a single, heaving slab. Fujitsu calls it "Windows Vista Premium ready" which is true, just be ready for it to succumb at the first sign of strain. Also announced are their FMV-BIBLO NF70T and 45T low-end laptops. The former being a 15.4-inch sportin' a 1280x800 resolution and Core Duo T2300 processor, up to 4GB of RAM and 100GB of disk, DVD multi-drive, 802.11a/b/g WiFi, and 2.1-hour battery. The NF45T brings the same display but only packs a Celeron M 410 and even worse battery life at just 1.7-hours. All will start shipping in November with the all-in-one hitting for ¥130,000 (about $1,105), the NF70T for about ¥190,000 (about $1,614), and the NF45T for ¥170,000 (about $1,444). Japan only for these, fortunately. Picture of the NF70T after the break, you know, if you're enjoying the pain, sicko.