
Artists: Win PS3/Wii and help fight breast cancer

Are you an artist? Want to help fight breast cancer? If you said yes to all of these then you can try your hand at creating a piece of art and be one of eight winners of a PS3 or a Wii. theOtaku is holding a contest to coincide with AnimeFF being held in Las Vegas Jan. 13 - 14. AnimeFF is a "fully funded non-profit anime convention," which means 100% of ticket proceeds will go to breast cancer research. The contest brings attention to the convention, driving ticket sales to support a good cause.

The actual contest involves submitting a piece of art to with the tag "awareness" and the art must have "something" related to breast cancer awareness. All art must be original, so no using a licensed anime babe with her breast sandwiched in a mammogram machine. All entries must be in by Dec. 20. Top two people get a PS3 and the other six get a Wii. And before anyone gets smart, they say they already have the prizes, so availability will not be an issue.

So go make art, maybe win a system and support a good cause.