
Sony jumping into video downloads with PSP?

It really wouldn't be the shock of the century, since Sony's been rumored to be at least be working on PSP music downloads for a while now, but Financial Times is reporting that Sony now has some sort of PSP video download service in the works, and they pretty certain about it. The best news -- if this rumor pans out, that is -- is that Sony is apparently doing this thing in conjunction with other services such as Amazon's Unbox, Movielink and CinemaNow, instead of taking its usual proprietary path. The not-so-best news is that Sony purportedly won't be releasing a fancy new memory-enhanced PSP with the service, but instead hopes consumers will spring for a new 4GB+ Memory Stick to store the video. With supposed room for 10 flicks and accessibility for all current PSP users, it might not be the worst move ever for Sony, but that doesn't mean an 8GB flash-based PSP still wouldn't be the hawterness. Supposedly we should be expecting these new downloading abilities to emerge in Q1 2007, and no, iTunes isn't invited.

[Via I4U]