
Paladin Conundrums

Today was the day that my Paladin had been dreading for what seems like forever; the long-awaited changes to the class that came with patch 1.9. I had been through all this before with my Hunter a few months back, and although that had been pretty painless, I still didn't quite know what to expect.

I had read all about the changes, and agreed with most of them, but I still hadn't made up my mind how I was going to re-spec. I also lamented losing my nifty Consecrate AoE spell, that I had just gotten last week, but this afternoon, I dove right in & decided to go full Retribution, all the way. I figured it was closest to my previous playstyle, and will be the most versatile for PvP, which is what I tend to gear toward.

What about the rest of you Paladins out there? Which path did you choose? How do you feel about the changes so far? Chime in...