
Does Toshiba have a backdoor to Blu-ray?

Toshiba Samsung HD DVD laptop drive

We're not entirely sure what the possibility of Toshiba having indirect access to Blu-ray IP would prove since HD DVD and Blu-ray already share the so much of the same laser technology, codecs, anti-piracy countermeasures, etc., but it is interesting to note that they may yet have a backup plan to capitalize on Blu-ray's success should HD DVD not be the chosen format in tomorrow's next-gen optical format war. TG Daily notes that Toshiba's and Samsung's supposedly independent joint venture operation by the name of TSST (Toshiba Samsung Storage Technology) running since 2004, will be manufacturing some of the first Blu-ray recorder devices to hit the market (and already put out one of the first slimline HD DVD devices). Apparently Toshi, which owns 51% of the company (and Samsung the other 49%), aren't stepping in to make sure their prodigal child isn't working against them. But hey, we all gotta keep roofs over our heads, right?