
Blanka and narf get their 15 minutes

Blanka and narf may have created the solution to get XP booting on a Mac for the challenge -- as well as for the $13 grand -- but they're also getting a bit of celebrity buzz out of their efforts. In the past few days, we've seen at least one full interview with blanka (aka Jesus Lopez), along with some shorter quotes and video footage of their solution in action. In his interview, blanka provides a little more info about the bootloader he and narf created, and also comments that one of his reasons for entering the contest was to learn enough about the Mac mini to turn it into a Windows-based car computer. Blanka also reveals that he never owned a Mac prior to learning about the contest, and was persuaded to enter by narf (aka Eric Wasserman), a long-time Mac user who relished the challenge. We imagine it won't be long until the two appear on the cover of Wired, endorse a line of clothing and shoot their first music video. Or not. Eric, er, narf remains media-shy, leaving the press spotlight to blanka, so he may be content to fade back into obscurity, secure in the notion that he accomplished something others said would be impossible.

Read - blanka interviewed by AppleTalk
Read - blanka quoted by AP
Watch - video of MacTel boot sequence