
Has Blu-Ray been spotted in the wild?

An alert reader of ours, Wouter, stumbled across something that he thought we would find interesting: a Blu-Ray device. He was right! We have no idea what this thing is and apparently the salesman didn't want to spill the beans. Good thing he snapped these pics 'cause when he returned later, the device was gone. Well, time for some over analyzing.

  1. It definitely has the blu-ray logo up front and personal, but we are not entirely sure that it is a dedicated Blu-Ray player.

  2. There is a badge that says "HD" in the lower right indicated that it is ether "High Definition" or perhaps has a hard drive in it. This would complete the picture of a micro-ATX case if it indeed had a hard drive.

  3. It is made by Philips though. Even though this device was found in Philips own stomping ground, we have never heard of a Philips micro-ATX computer. (correct us if we are wrong)

What the heck do you think it is?

[More pics after the jump]

UPDATE: Jason N has just informed us that the case itself comes from AOpen.