
Pull up a chair for Deadwood-themed poker

Deadwood, HBO's stellar, curse-infused western, is returning with their third-season and, as a promotion, they've enlisted Fuel Games to create a browser-based poker game called Dead Man's Hand. As Deadwood is to westerns, Dead Man's Hand is to poker games. The developers describe it thusly:

"Dead Man's Hand is a first-person 3D Texas Hold'em game that allows you to sit down at the table with the characters from the show: Al Swearengen, E.B. Farum and Trixie. But poker with Al Swearengen is a dangerous game, and he's a less-than-graceful loser. You'll need more than luck to get out of the game alive.

"Just like real poker, you can raise, fold, call or pull out your six shooter and start shooting bottles, lamps and the people you're playing against. Just be careful who you point your gun at, lest you end up downing a shot of hot lead."

As much as I want to be called a c*cksucker by Swearengen, I can't get the durned thing to run. The game requires the Virtools plugin to run and Intel Mac owners will need to run a PowerPC-compiled browser under Rosetta; Universal binary browsers don't work. I'll keep tinkering. In the meantime, anyone else sating their Deadwood-desires with Dead Man's Hand?

[Via Wonderland]

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