
Homebrew how-to

Intrigued by the notion of playing old school games on your DS but don't know where to begin? Would you like to use your DS as a map or check out a free browser? Never fear -- no matter how technically challenged you may be, there's a solution for you. This time, it comes in the form of a beginner-friendly guide to checking out homebrew options for your very own Nintendo DS.

So what is homebrew? It's any unofficial application (game, program, or other) for a particular system. Still not getting it? Just think of these apps as homemade. Many armchair (and some official) developers see uses for the DS that go beyond Nintendo's vision for their system. That's where homebrew comes in. However, most systems (the DS included) are protected from such unofficial use, and so would-be users need to employ a workaround. This means that there is some element of risk, however small, when you turn to homebrew. Be careful with the things you put into your DS -- make sure they're tried and tested before you take a chance, and remember, you try these things at your own risk. And when you're just starting, it helps to have a guide. That's where the first s0rethumbs guide to homebrew comes in.

The guide takes you step by step through the process of preparing to use homebrew apps. After all, understanding is one thing -- actually taking the plunge is another, and the guide is very helpful when it comes to recommendations on what to get and what to do with it once you have it. While this guide covers the basics about preparing for homebrew and looping around the built-in protections, it doesn't get into applications. Baby steps, people. They're saving those things for future guides. So if you're looking to get started but haven't a clue what to do, check it out.