
The V-Code: boatloads of data via barcode

Remember the good ol' days when you could count on your barcodes to be nothing more than a handful of straight lines? Those days were long gone once the whole 2D barcode craze swept the industry (look at pretty much any package that's been shipped to you to see what we mean), and now we've taken one more step down the slippery slope of complexity with the introduction of the "V-Code" from MobileAMA. The basic idea is to animate a 2D barcode, significantly growing the size of data that can be represented -- throw a cameraphone into the mix, and you can probably see where they're going with this. MobileAMA would like to see users get their ringtones, wallpapers, and other garden variety phone knickknacks using their V-Codes, though with carriers generally doing a decent job offering content to their subscribers and Bluetooth becoming virtually ubiquitous, we think they've probably got an uphill battle on their hands.