
New refurb MacBooks, minis, etc. in the Apple Store

Apple has just added a few new goodies to the collection of refurbished products in the Apple Store, including several Intel Core Duo-based MacBooks, MacBook Pros, iMacs, and minis. Specific models range from the 17 inch, 2.16GHz Core Duo MacBook Pro with 1GB of RAM, 120GB HD, and SuperDrive for $1,999, to the 1.66GHz Core Duo-equipped mini with 512MB of RAM, 80GB HD, and a SuperDrive. There are some good deals to be had on older Core Duo (and even newer Core 2 Duo) systems here, with savings ranging between 18% to 33%+. Of course, all systems include the standard one year warranty, so if you're looking for to save a few bucks and don't mind having a slightly older model, this is a prime opportunity.