
Panasonic announces "world's smallest" SDHC-based camcorder

Panasonic has announced what it claims to be the world's smallest SDHC-based camcorder, following up its SDR-S200 with the decidedly more pocketable (and presentable) SDR-S10. Measuring a scant 1.2 x 2.5 x 4.5 inches, the cam nonetheless manages to squeeze in a 10x optical zoom, as well as 2.7-inch LCD, which you'll have to make do with given that there's no optical viewfinder. While you'll supposedly be able to get up to 100 minutes of MPEG-2 video on the maximum 4GB SDHC card, you'll have to drop some extra cash to put that to the test, as Panasonic's only seen fit to include a non-HC 2GB SD card with the camcorder, which will only give ya 50 minutes of recording time. Being SD-based, the cam also has a considerable advantage in start-up time, with a promised 1.7 second delay from the time you switch it on to the first frame captured. Unfortunately, there's no word yet on what it'll cost, although you can look for it to be available this May, in Europe to start with it seems.

[Via Camcorder Info]