
Fun with the Armory

Now that the Armory is finally up and working (it was crushed by requests when it was first posted), I've had a chance to look at it, and I have to say, I think it's the coolest thing I've ever seen on an MMO's website ever. The Camelot Herald was cool (for those of you who know about that), but, privacy issues aside, the Armory is going to become a terrific tool for players, guilds, Alliance and Horde all over the world.

Already, it's showing us things about the game that we'd never known otherwise. There are apparently 22 pages of Legolas toons, although Leroyjenkins doesn't have the showing I'd have thought (50 entries, none of which are above 60 as of this writing). Maybe he wipes too much. While there are tons and tons of "alliance" guilds, there's only a few for "horde." Death and Taxes either has 20 chapters, or 19 wannabes-- Nihilum doesn't have any. And while arena teams are fairly new, lots of people didn't get too creative with them-- there's 165 teams with "arena" in the name. I tried to see if our friend Juffowup, the naked troll hunter, was still naked, but he hasn't been on a while. Antitweak, the naked druid, is only 20, but she is-- yup, still naked.

And there's lots of cool personal stuff in here, too. My shaman, Shamanic, shares a name with lots of people, but from what I can see, he's number one (the one from Thunderhorn) on the list-- confirming what I already knew, ahem. And I think it's particularly cool that on every character screen, they even show, in the right corner, the buffs you have on the character at the time. Now that's real-time! Unfortunately, they also show your professions, so everyone in the world can see that I've been slacking off. But overall, I love the Armory. You guys seen anything funny or cool in there yet?