
Second-gen HD DVD XA2 player reviewed

HighDefDigest has another review of Toshiba's second-generation HD DVD player, the HD-XA2, which they recommend as a capable competitor to the rival Blu-ray players, and an improvement to the first generation of Toshiba's devices. One of the main improvements their reviewer found was the stability of the player compared to the older model, with fewer lockups on playback, in addition to 1080p support and good support for upscaling standard-def content. They did find some issues with the revision, with some audio sync and bass volume problems, as well as frame drops on certain titles. When compared to another review of the same player, it appears this reviewer came to the same conclusion, that this is a good unit for playing back high definition content, with a few things to look forward to in generation three. The question is, will dual-format players put these standalone units away before that even happens?