
Kmart plays with one blogger's emotions

Seriously, how sadistic are you Kmart? You lure us in with those blue light specials and soon we're signing our name in blood on the dotted line. All for what? A cheap set of plush terry cloth towels? Well, you've tormented us for the last time! Well, actually, you tormented a different blogger for the last time, but all for one and one for all, y'know?

See, a blogger, who is still without a Wii (poor lad), has been checking on a daily basis to see if he could snag one of those elusive Wii. And he isn't about to pay for one of them rip-off bundles, either. So upon seeing the system for sale, all by its lonesome, via Kmart's website, he decided to snatch it up with the quickness, only to be let in on the cruel, cruel joke: the console is in stock but only available in quantities of zero.

[via digg]