
Gamestop's accidental 120GB HDD preorder

Getting sick of the Xbox 360 Elite or the 120GB HDD rumors yet? Didn't think so. Today, TheDiggMan posted a screenshot from his online Gamestop searching where he stumbled upon the rumored 120GB Xbox 360 hard drive. Soon, after TheDiggMan found the listed 120GB HDD the item was taken down from the website, pulled by the Gamestop webmaster gnomes.

We're 97.4% sure that a 120GB HDD will be releasing soon, but what's interesting about this screenshot is the ship date and price information. $150 isn't a horrible price point seeing that it's $50 more than the 20GB HDD, but it's still a darn expensive peripheral. And if the April 1st pre-release date is correct we'll be putting all this HDD and Elite speculation to rest, because Microsoft should be making an announcement soon. Fanboys, if you're looking for more hard drive space, will you be purchasing the new Xbox 360 Elite or the seperate 120GB HDD add on? You know, that is if they are real.

[Via Digg]