
SEGA reigns in Thor, Captain America, Hulk

As more and more comic books are being turned into movies (X-Men, Hellboy, Sin City, etc.), comic book characters are becoming a hot commodity. SEGA is now jumping into the fray, picking up the videogame rights to Captain America, the Hulk, and Thor. All three characters are set to have feature films in the near future and it makes sense that SEGA would do their best to acquire them (blockbuster movie = free marketing). These characters will join SEGA's roster alongside Iron Man, whom the company acquired last year. Iron Man, incidentally, is also being made into a feature film.

Given the quality of recent SEGA titles (cough, Sonic the Hedgehog, cough), we remain suspect of the new Marvel games. Still, comic book heroes generally make decent fodder for videogames (Superman notwithstanding), so we're cautiously optimistic. Here's hoping.

Since we're on the topic, how about we get Captain America and the Avengers on XBLA? Let's get somebody working on that, mkay?

[Via Joystiq. Thanks, Annie]]