
Halo 2 for Windows Vista bumped back to May 22

It's May 8th. Today marks the anniversary of Ghandi's 21-day fast and VE Day, the births of luminaries like Saul Bass and Edmund Wilson, and (to a somewhat lesser extent) the planned release of Halo 2 for Windows Vista. Unfortunately, that date is ... well, it's today and Halo 2 is not in our weekly round-up of new games releases signifying its absence on retailers yearning shelves. The rationale: Microsoft needed to "make some improvements to the install experience and address other technical issues."

The new release date is May 22nd, which of course marks the seventeenth anniversary of the release of the Windows 3.0 operating system. Now there's some corporate synergy for you! But what about May 16th ... what happens on May 16th again? Ah, Pierce Brosnan's birthday. We knew it was important.