
Confused? Halo 3's Ranking Points explained

If you're like us, the Halo 3 beta's new Ranking Point system was (or still is) a tad confusing. With its cumulative total, military jargon, random symbols, and how it's calculated, the whole thing can be a mind bender for some. But not anymore, because Grunts "R" Us posted a detailed analysis of how Halo 3's Ranking Point system works. Included in their guide is not only a definition, how the points are calculated, and what they are used for, but it also explains the military ranks and what Ranking Points you need to achieve each level. It's really not all that confusing, trust us. That is unless you're against addition, the military, and pictures. Then we just advise you to ignore this post and go back to playing the beta. You'll be clueless, but happy.

[Via Hushed Casket]

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