
Cash for kills

Money has been involved in WoW in a variety of ways since its inception. You pay to get the game, and you pay a subscription fee; some less scrupulous individuals, of course, pay for gold, powerleveling, and the like. But it doesn't stop there. A member of the guild Carpe Draconis (Aggramar-A) has started a cash bounty on Hydross the Unstable, the first boss in Serpentshrine Cavern. This is on a site I hadn't seen before called mob incentive, where site users can contribute money to causes they want to support. The reward is currently $52, and the money will be used to cover guild operation costs (Vent and guildportal hosting). Would you be more likely to work harder on a new boss if there was some money in it for your guild?

Latin diversion: the name of that guild doesn't make any sense to me. If they mean "seize the dragon," it ought to be "Carpe Draconem" (accusative case), whereas if they mean take from the dragon, I'd expect it to be "Carpe ab Dracone" or "Carpe ex Dracone" (using a preposition and the ablative case). Edit: Actually, "Carpe Dracone," using just the ablative and no preposition, is better (thanks, Beaverius and Appolon). The way they have it now, with "Draconis" (genitive case), would have to be translated as "Seize the Dragon's," except it's less grammatical in Latin than English, I think. However, I'm not surprised to see it this way; for whatever reason, "Carpe [Noun in the genitive]" is a very common pattern for guild names in WoW. I've seen at least three instances of "Carpe Noctis," whereas anyone with a copy of Wheelock's could tell you "Carpe Noctem" is correct. The latter does, at least, outnumber the former, but the very existence of the former is a mystery to me. In short:

[thanks, Wes]