
Joystiq impressions: The Club

Bizarre Creation's next big title, Project Gotham Racing notwithstanding, is The Club, a pretty over-the-shoulder shooter with an arcade twist. Don't worry about a story: each level takes approximately five minutes to finish, and the point of the game is to achieve higher scores.

We got a chance to try out the prison level. The pace is brisk and aiming is easy. Where the challenge is going to lie is maintaining a combo multiplier, which drops when you miss a shot. You can also increase the multiplier by shooting skull signs. In our initial run through, we only found two skulls, meaning we'll have a lot more exploration to do upon its release. Blue barrels cause big explosions and major points, which is a plus.

The game is challenging enough and we did have enough near death experiences. We tried easy mode, meaning health packs are plentiful, but the other difficulty level reportedly ramps up noticeably. Each of the eight levels have six to eight game modes each, and each one has its own target score you need to earn a medal, dubbed "bullets." Four-player split screen and deathmatch will be available in the final game. The point of this game was quick, fun experiences. We're looking forward to this game when it releases early 2008 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
