
Remote Buddy adds iPhone support

We've mentioned Remote Buddy quite a few times over the last year as what was originally just an Apple Remote utility seems to gain features at a steady pace. First they added Wiimote support and now maker IOSPIRIT has announced iPhone compatibility. In some ways it's similar to Telekinesis which we mentioned before, in that it's basically a mini-web server that runs on, and gives you control of, your Mac through iPhone Safari. It generates little iPhone optimized web pages which give you access to several modules:

  • Remote control (emulates Apple Remote to control Remote Buddy)

  • Trackpad

  • Keyboard

  • Menu (browse Remote Buddy's menu)

  • Music

  • Now playing (in iTunes)

  • Movies

  • EyeTV

Presumably, however, this "AJAX remote" would work with other web browsers as well. With these steady improvements Remote Buddy seems to set the standard for Apple Remote utilities.

Remote Buddy is €19.99 (~$28) and a demo is available.

Thanks, digitalintrigue!