
A call to arms: Vote for Mega Man DS

Alright, troops, here's the situation. Capcom has put up a poll on its Rockman 20th Anniversary site, asking readers which system they'd like to see the Blue Bomber appear on next. Normally, we'd leave these matters to the general public, but our arch-enemies, the villains at PSP Fanboy, saw fit to invade the ballot, tilting the vote in their favor.

Despite a long-standing peace with our handheld opposites, we will not stand for this aggression. As Americans -- no, as DS owners -- it is our duty to ensure that our portable has a fighting chance to receive every worthwhile title. Also, according to reports from our intelligence sources, we have reason to believe that the next Mega Man game is in possession of LMDs.

Some would reason that the Nintendo DS already has enough Mega Man games, and that the PSP deserves this opportunity to build upon its software library. Well, let's just say that we still haven't gotten over not receiving Mega Man Maverick Hunter X. We assure you, Capcom will greet us as liberators! Check past the post break for instructions on how to cast your vote and win this war!

[Thanks, Marasai!]