
Calling All Cars soon playable on PSP

The latest issue of "PSP - The Official Guidebook" includes an interesting wee tidbit of information. The PS3 downloadable title Calling All Cars will soon be available to transfer over to your PSP, just like PS1 games. While there isn't much more information than that, currently, the magazine says that "comprehensive multiplayer modes in both Ad Hoc and Infrastructure" is to be expected. A release date will be available soon.

We think this is a great idea. The game definitely suits a handheld and, with full online multiplayer, we're definitely looking forward to getting it on our PSP. There's no word on how exactly it will work yet. Whether you will need to pay for it again or not is up in the air. We're intrigued with the idea of non-PS1 PSP content. Hopefully this will become a regular thing. The sad thing is, with only one analogue stick, we'll never see Super Stardust HD on the PSP. Tragedy.