
PSP store development held back due to DRM

So you've been moaning for an online store for your PSP, maybe not exactly the same as the PS3's store, but something to let you grab some games, trailers, or whatever without forking out the big bucks for the handheld's big brother. You're not in luck, we're afraid. Sony representatives claim they're working on the store which will feature "short-form" games, but maybe not music or movies. However, they wouldn't put a release date down for the store. Why?

Digital Rights Management concerns. Sony doesn't want their movies to be pirated and with the awesome homebrews and custom firmwares floating around on the PSP, it's an almost impossible task. This isn't to say that a store for the PSP isn't coming, they just need to work all this stuff out first. We'd be happy with a store even if they don't have movies put up there immediately. Then again, we can't assume movies are their only pirating concerns. Oh well, we'll just keep waiting until Sony gives us a firm release date!

[via N4G]